Two Best Ways To Improve Freight Labelling

A blog on how to improve freight labelling for a freight forwarding service in dubai

In Logistics, there is nothing more disappointing than when your customer’s important and time-sensitive cargos get delivered to a wrong location or get delayed due to incorrect or missing labelling?

Not only does it cost a fortune to correct the error; to return the Cargo back to original Warehousing Facility and then re-dispatch to the correct location; it will most probably result in negative reviews from your customer and a loss of reputation amongst peers.

We at Gulf Worldwide Logistics would like to educate you about our strategies to improve error free labelling that has helped us deliver cargo at 99.3% accuracy over the past 19 years.Our procedure has helped us becoming one of the top Warehousing Service Providers in Dubai.

Use of an efficient WMS System connected to a Bar Code Scanner:

Using an efficient WMS and Bar Code System allows the Sales & Operations department to provide clear instructions to the Warehouse Manager & Supervisor on the type of labeling a customer requires. It also allows for customization of Labels as per Customers preference and to ensure that the activities are carried out in a systematic manner through Electronic devices.


This sounds expensive, but in the long-run, there are huge cost savings that occur due to improved efficiency reduction of incorrect dispatches due to faulty labeling.


There are various types of printers and software’s that can be purchased for Effective Bar-Coding Solutions, make sure you select the one that is appropriate for your business requirements. Using computers for labelling is the easiest way to create uniformity, professionalism and makes it easier for the Receiver to identify and store the products as per their systems. Manual labelling causes a lot of errors and it looks untidy. Electronics enabled labelling makes the entire warehouse process faster.

Label it clean:

Another problem that clients often face is lack of information on the label. If the label misses out on valuable features or the nature of goods, then it can turn out to be quitetedious for the receiver to tally the cargo.


At other times,manual labels are so overwritten that handlers cannot make sense out of it. The logistics service provided by ocean, air and land transportationneeds to be very careful of such errors. The labelling should be very clean. It should not contain marks or scratches. Everything written on it should be readable. Instructions required for the handling and sensitivity of the goods should be written with proper abbreviations and images where possible.


Labelling is one overlooked or underestimated aspect of freight transportation. Labelling errors can cause expensive errors for companies and ill reputation among customers. Emphasizing error free electronics enabled and clean labelling can spare the headaches.

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